Florida Montessori Kerala

The Florida Montessori Kerala -Training centre, in association with FMC Bangalore was founded in 2010 by professional from India, The United Kingdom and the United states to provide high quality Montessori trained professionals. Florida Montessori Kerala (FMC) is focussed on providing students with authentic Montessori training as prevalent internationally .Students are equipped with the required knowledge and skills required to become meaning contributors in the field of early child hood education.

We all need support through the most important period of our children: the early years

FMC is one of the most authentic Montessori centre that has facilitated the development of childhood teaching professionals since its inception. Students of this centre have been employed in national as well as international organisations post successful completion of our courses, The courses offered by FMC, with the support of The Florida International Montessori Alliance, USA, are open to teachers, parents as well as individuals who are interested in the early education of children.FMC is not entering Middle school and High school training programme space to facilitate in improvement in teacher effectiveness. We are also accredited by the Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU, Shillong), which is an Indian University, for excellence in training standards. Our certification is valid worldwide and our students have been successfully placed in the US, Middle East and India.

Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society.

Maria Montessori

“The Florida Montessori Kerala is an Institution that is a beacon of meaningful changes in the prevailing education system, through suitable, specialized training methods directed towards the improvement of the world community.”

  • To propagate the Montessori Method in its authentic form to all parts of the community in India and abroad.
  • To create an awareness of all practical aspects of the Montessori method and its application in mainstream schooling.
  • To create experts in early childhood education who specialize in the teaching of the Montessori Method to children of all age groups.
  • To empower individuals with the spirit of Montessori philosophy and principles to foster an education focused on and around the “CHILD”.
  • To build best practices for teaching and learning
  • To provide training based on evidence of relative performance
  • To provide training to the targets school as well as personal development needs
  • To build collective ownership and develop leadership
  • To promote collaboration of educator communities and microcosms
  • To build relation trust and collaboration within schools
  • To build and embed CPD training into school systems and cultures
  • To create networking and professional communities
Meet the teachers

Experts in giving your children best start

Ella Stark

Lead teacher and 1-2 year olds

Harriet Bailey

Teacher: 2-3 year olds

Melinda Schiller

Teacher: 3-4 year olds

What we can do for you
Florida Montessori Kerala specializes in training individuals, aspiring to be experts in Early Childhood Education. Our training is based on prevailing best practices in the US and other advanced education markets in the world and is focused on the authentic traditions of the Montessori Methods. It is not diluted with any other form of training.
Ramona Altenwerth


Our association with our US Principals, “The Florida International Montessori Alliance” and the privilege of having their Authentications on our certificates, gives our students access to international certification and eligibility to practice this program across the globe. We are also accredited by the Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU, Shillong) which is an Indian University, for excellence in training standards. and accredited to International Accreditation Organization (IAO) based out of Huston (USA), Our certification is valid worldwide and our students have been successfully placed in the US, Middle East and India.

Unlock your potential as a Montessori educator

We work towards providing our students with the required skills that would enable them in becoming meaningful contributors to the young lives that they touch.