Florida Montessori Kerala

Why us

The best early learning experience

The Florida Montessori Kerala aims to develop and present nationally and internationally accredited authentic Montessori courses which enables students and the wider community to pursue a passionate teaching career in a convenient and flexible manner.

We give aspiring teachers a complete insight about child’s growth and development; its physical, emotional and educational needs.


We cater not only to the educational needs but also to the development of every person's intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and spiritual potential. We seek to engage students in the teaching/learning process and encourage personal and collective responsibility.


Love for a subject matter inspires a person to learn more, dig deeper, and think harder about it, so passion inspires deeper knowledge. We are blessed with effective and passionate teachers who are keen to spread positivity and genuinely enjoy teaching and engaging with students. In addition, they are reflective, open to change, and always welcome new ideas.


We provide learners with the tools and opportunities to succeed, while also catering to the unique needs and goals of each individual. We are equipped with an effective and fully fledged Montessori lab for effective learning. We also provide opportunities for the students to work with children thereby enhancing their caliber in observing and understanding a child. This is a space that is safe, supportive, and inclusive, and encourages collaboration, teamwork, and innovation.


Regular Classes


Florida Montessori centre is the by-product of experts from the U.K & U.S; to produce high quality Montessori trained professionals. Our curriculum has been formulated keeping in mind the international education trends and methodologies to provide a world class exposure. The core curriculum and the training methodology are developed by seasoned Montessori professionals. The Pre-primary and Primary Diploma course developed and validated by experts from U.K and U.S Universities is designed to provide diploma level qualification for the Montessori community. F.M.C offers courses starting from 6 months to 10 months diploma course focusing on the Montessori philosophy and deep rooted understanding of the five areas of the Montessori Method. Graduates are awarded a certificate in Montessori teaching which is recognized in U.S.A and worldwide.


Weekend Classes


F.M.C also conducts a weekend class for individuals who are unable to attend regular weekday classes. The weekend classes are conducted on Saturday & Sunday. For more information on the weekend batch enrolment, please contact us.


Online Program


F.M.C offers an online course for working women or individuals. The course is a one year training program, where the students will have to complete and submit assignments based on their study manuals and submit the same online. Grades will be awarded to the students based on their research work and understanding of the subject. Practical workshops will be organised on convenience basis to expose the students to the practical aspects of the Montessori Method.


Continuous Professional Development Workshops

We offer CPD workshops, for Teachers, to Help Enhance the skills needed to male learning and enriching and rewarding experience for children. All workshops we conduct are aimed at meeting our basic objective of facilitating teachers to achieve holistic development of children.
Some of the workshops conducted are


B.Ed/B.Ed with Montessori/BA B,Ed integrated programs

FMC in association with SUNRISE University ,Rajasthan and the Martin Luther Christian University ,Meghalaya presents a Unique B,Ed with Montessori program for teachers looking to further their qualifications. We also offer a general B.Ed program, a standalone Montessori programmed and an integrated BA B.Ed program for teaches who have not completed their graduation. Sunrise University and MLCU are both UGC recognized universities in INDIA.

Course Details


Pre-Primary and Primary Montessori training Course

6 to 10 Months


Lower Elementary Montessori Training

6 to 10 Months


Continual Professional Development Workshops

4 to 12 hours


B.Ed/B.Ed with Montessori Program

2 years


Integrated BA B.Ed. program

4 years

Unlock your potential as a Montessori educator

We work towards providing our students with the required skills that would enable them in becoming meaningful contributors to the young lives that they touch.