Florida Montessori Kerala

In a regular batch the duration would be 6 to 7 Months and in a weekend and correspondence the duration will be 10 to 11 months

 There is 100% job assistance from our side.

Above age 6 children learn to do independent research, arrange field trips to gather information, interview specialists, create group presentations, dramas, art exhibits, musical productions, science projects, and so forth. There is no limit to what they created in this kind of intelligently guided freedom. There are no text books or adult-directed group lessons and a daily schedule. There is great respect for the choices of the children, but they easily keep up with or surpass what they would be doing in a more traditional setting. There is no wasted time and children enjoy their work and study. The children ask each other for lessons and much of the learning comes from sharing and inspiring each other instead of competing with each other.
Montessori classes place children in three-year-or-more age groups (3-6, 2.5-6, 6-12, and so on), forming communities in which the older children spontaneously share their knowledge with the younger ones. Montessori represents an entirely different approach to education.

There will be four modules

➢ Module 1: Dr Montessori’s Life and Philosophy. Practicals: Exercises of practical life.

➢ Module 2: Child development and development psychology. Practicals: Sensorial

➢ Module 3: Observation and assessment. Practical’s: Math

➢ Module 4: Early year’s environment. Practical’s: Language

➢ Culture: Here you will not have any class room sessions but need to submit a project on a theme chosen by the student.

After each module an exam will be conducted. Theory exam for 50 marks and remaining 50 marks of practical’s and manual work once this is completed a student successfully moves to the next module.

A student should always carry a pen drive and a camera to class. Pen drive is for the notes that will be given to you so that it can be typed by you. Camera for the pictures that needs to be taken of the activities which is then used for the album work.

 Yes our certification is recognized everywhere and all our students have been placed successfully.

 Once you complete this course you will be entitled to teach children in the age group of 3 to 6 years.

No. This is not an NTT course. The course that we provide is based on pure Montessori practices that will give you an in-depth understanding of the Montessori apparatuses and their presentations. It is a pure Montessori certification course.

FMC provides an International certificate in pre-primary Montessori teaching.

No. The certificate that you receive for both is the same. The certificate is given to you after you attend 5oo hrs of class and complete your exams successfully. These criteria’s are met even if you are enrolling in weekend batch.

Unlock your potential as a Montessori educator

We work towards providing our students with the required skills that would enable them in becoming meaningful contributors to the young lives that they touch.